quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

Sugar does as much harm as alcohol and tobacco

Sugar does as much harm as alcohol and tobacco, said medical article in "Nature" (*)
(*) Nature is one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific journals. Your first issue is November 4 de1869. Among the many scientific discoveries are published in the Nature of X-rays of the double helix structure of DNA and the hole in the ozone layer. 
Consumption of sweet foods in the world has tripled in the last 50 years.Excessive intake is linked to diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Sugar consumption is as harmful as alcohol and cigarettes, according to an article published last week by doctors in the journal "Nature." This is because excessive intake of sucrose and fructose, which has tripled in the world in the last 50 years, is linked to the emergence of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart problems.

In September last year, the United Nations (UN) said that for the first time in history, the chronic non-communicable diseases represent a greater burden to public health worldwide infectious diseases. These evils are already responsible for killing 35 million people per year, and 80% in poor or developing countries, where soft drinks are often cheaper than drinking water or milk.

In general, alcohol and cigarettes are regulated by governments as a way to protect the health of the population, but no control over the power. According to the authors of the article, Dr. Robert Lustig, Laura Schmidt and Claire Brindis, the regulatory authorities should include raising taxes on industrialized products added sugar (like soft drinks, juices, chocolate and cereals), the limitation of time in sales school and work environments and the imposition of age limits for purchase. But they are more complicated according to the researchers because the food is considered essential property, unlike alcohol and tobacco.

Currently, there are, on the planet, 30% more obese than malnourished, according to doctors. And the Western diet, with lots of processed foods, have contributed to these rising rates. Only 20% of obese people have a metabolism and a normal life - the others suffer from problems such as hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, fatty liver and orthopedic disorders or joint.
Health authorities usually consider sugar as "empty calories", but scientific evidence shows that too much fructose and sucrose can desengatilhar processes in the liver or toxic reactions can cause a number of chronic diseases.

According to the authors of the article in "Nature", the U.S. and Europe still see the fat and salt as the great villains of food, but attention should begin to turn to products with added sugar (fructose molecules increased in processed foods .) In October last year, Denmark has chosen to tax foods high in saturated fat, although most doctors no longer believe that this substance is the main culprit for obesity. Now, the country considers taxing candy. Other European nations and Canada trying to put taxes on sweetened foods. And the U.S. now consider taxing soda - a U.S. citizen consumes an average of 216 liters per year, of which 58% contain sugar. Another possible limit would prohibit trade in products containing added sugar, the authors write.

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