Quando falamos em invenções brasileiras, logo nos lembramos de Santos Dumont, o “pai de aviação”, mas saibam ele não é o único a usar a criatividade para criar. Abaixo temos invenções brasileiras que usamos até hoje, outras não mais, confira:
Cafezinho de Bolso
Sim é possível ter um “Cafezinho de Bolso”, e é tudo descartável: xícara, coador, sachê de açúcar, colherzinha para mexer, uma lixeira e uma dose com 6 gramas de café torrado e moído, bastando apenas ter por perto a água quente. Os criadores são Adílson Sanches e Luiz Fabichak começaram a fabrica-lo em 1995. Para prepará-lo, só falta mesmo a água quente.
Cartão Telefônico
Em 1978 o engenheiro Nélson Guilherme Bardini teve a brilhante idéia de criar o cartão telefônico que é feito de PVC e com um circuito elétrico ligado a pequenas superfícies metálicas. O mesmo só teve funcionalidade mesmo no Brasil em 1992.
Copo Americano
Americano é só na descrição, mas após dez anos, digamos que pela primeira vez os EUA passou a vender e usar um produto exclusivo do Brasil. O “Copo Americano” foi inventado pelo designer Nadir Figueiredo em 1947. Não bastasse inventar um, hoje existem cinco tipos: dose, multiuso, long drink 300 ml, long drink 450 ml e rocks.
Coração Artificial
O engenheiro mecânico Aron de Andrade, do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia (SP), criou o “Coração Artifical” em 2000, onde é ligado ao coração natural e alimentado por um motor elétrico.
Escorredor de Arroz
Pode acreditar, mas uma cirurgiã-dentista criou o utensílio doméstico em 1959. O nome da inventora é Therezinha Beatriz Alves de Andrade Zorowich. A invenção teve tabmém a ajuda de seu marido, que montou um protótipo em papel de alumínio e apresentou a invenção ao dono da Trol S/A.
Painel Eletrônico
Em 1996 no Ceará o “Painel Eletrônico” foi desenvolvido por Carlos Eduardo Lamboglia, no ano seguinte ele patenteou a criação e na Copa da França foi usada em todos os jogos. Graças ao nosso inventor, hoje quando formos aos estádios de futebol teremos resultados de outros jogos, substituições durante a partida assistida e afins.
Soro Antiofídico em Pó
Em 2000, o “Soro Antiofídico em Pó” foi desenvolvido pelo veterinário Rosalvo Guidolin. Com experiência no assunto, foi contratado pelo Instituto Butantan para iniciar a produção dos medicamentos.
Tênis Computadorizado
Lançado pela Alpagartas em 2001, o sensor eletrônico localiza-se dentro do tênis, e neles registram-se os dados como velocidade, distância e tempo.
Terço Eletrônico
Em 2000 Josué Corrêa de Lacerda criou o “Terço Eletrônico” para que assim os fiéis não perdessem a conta durante a oração.
Urna Eletrônica
Na cidade de Brusque em Santa Catarina, como fase de experimento, as eleições de 1989 foram realizadas por um terminal computadorizado. O inventor da “Urna Eletrônica” era juiz eleitoral no Estado, chamado Carlos Prudêncio, contando com a ajuda de seu irmão, um empresário da área de informática. Já em 2000, todos os municípios brasileiros receberam cerca de 350 mil urnas.
quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012
10 creative inventions in the history of Brazil
When we talk of inventions in Brazil, so we remember Santos Dumont, the "father of aviation", but know it is not the only one to use creativity to create. Below is Brazilian inventions we use today, others not more, check out:
Coffee Pocket
Yes it is possible to have a "Cafezinho Pocket", and everything is disposable: cup, strainer, sachet of sugar, spoon to stir, a trash can and a dose of 6 grams of roasted and ground, if only to have around the hot water . The creators are Adílson Fabichak Luiz Sanches and began manufacturing it in 1995. To prepare it, but lack even the hot water.
Telephone card
In 1978 the engineer William Nelson Bardini had the brilliant idea of creating the calling card that is made of PVC and an electric circuit connected to small metal surfaces. The same functionality that was only in Brazil in 1992.
American Cup
American is the only description, but after ten years, say the first time the U.S. began to sell and use a product exclusive to Brazil. The "American Cup" was invented by designer Nadir Figueiredo in 1947. Not enough to invent one, today there are five types: dose, multipurpose, long drink 300 ml, 450 ml highball and rocks.
Artificial heart
The mechanical engineer Aron de Andrade, the Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology (SP), created the "Artificial Heart" in 2000, which is connected to the natural heart and powered by an electric motor.
Drainer Rice
Can you believe, but dentists who created the household utensil in 1959. The name of the inventor is Therezinha Beatriz Alves de Andrade Zorowich. The invention has tabmém the help of her husband, who built a prototype in aluminum foil and presented the invention to the owner of Trol S / A.
Electronic Panel
In 1996 in Ceará the "Electronic Panel" was developed by Carlos Eduardo Lamboglia the following year he patented the creation and the World Cup in France was used in all games. Thanks to our inventor, now when we go to football stadiums will have results of other games, assisted substitutions during the match and the like.
Whey Powder snakebite
In 2000, the "anti-ophidian serum powder" was developed by the veterinarian Rosalvo Guidolin. With experience in the subject, was hired by the Butantan Institute to begin production of medicines.
Computerized Shoes
Launched by Alpagartas in 2001, the electronic sensor located in the shoe, and record them to the data as speed, distance and time.
Electronic Rosary
In 2000 Joshua Correa de Lacerda created the "Third E" so that the faithful would not lose the account during the prayer.
Electronic Urn
In Brusque in Santa Catarina, and phase experiment, the 1989 elections were conducted by a computer terminal. Inventor of "Urn Electronics" was a judge in the state election, called Carlos Prudencio, with the help of his brother, an entrepreneur in the IT area. In 2000, all municipalities received about 350,000 ballots.
Coffee Pocket
Yes it is possible to have a "Cafezinho Pocket", and everything is disposable: cup, strainer, sachet of sugar, spoon to stir, a trash can and a dose of 6 grams of roasted and ground, if only to have around the hot water . The creators are Adílson Fabichak Luiz Sanches and began manufacturing it in 1995. To prepare it, but lack even the hot water.
Telephone card
In 1978 the engineer William Nelson Bardini had the brilliant idea of creating the calling card that is made of PVC and an electric circuit connected to small metal surfaces. The same functionality that was only in Brazil in 1992.
American Cup
American is the only description, but after ten years, say the first time the U.S. began to sell and use a product exclusive to Brazil. The "American Cup" was invented by designer Nadir Figueiredo in 1947. Not enough to invent one, today there are five types: dose, multipurpose, long drink 300 ml, 450 ml highball and rocks.
Artificial heart
The mechanical engineer Aron de Andrade, the Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology (SP), created the "Artificial Heart" in 2000, which is connected to the natural heart and powered by an electric motor.
Drainer Rice
Can you believe, but dentists who created the household utensil in 1959. The name of the inventor is Therezinha Beatriz Alves de Andrade Zorowich. The invention has tabmém the help of her husband, who built a prototype in aluminum foil and presented the invention to the owner of Trol S / A.
Electronic Panel
In 1996 in Ceará the "Electronic Panel" was developed by Carlos Eduardo Lamboglia the following year he patented the creation and the World Cup in France was used in all games. Thanks to our inventor, now when we go to football stadiums will have results of other games, assisted substitutions during the match and the like.
Whey Powder snakebite
In 2000, the "anti-ophidian serum powder" was developed by the veterinarian Rosalvo Guidolin. With experience in the subject, was hired by the Butantan Institute to begin production of medicines.
Computerized Shoes
Launched by Alpagartas in 2001, the electronic sensor located in the shoe, and record them to the data as speed, distance and time.
Electronic Rosary
In 2000 Joshua Correa de Lacerda created the "Third E" so that the faithful would not lose the account during the prayer.
Electronic Urn
In Brusque in Santa Catarina, and phase experiment, the 1989 elections were conducted by a computer terminal. Inventor of "Urn Electronics" was a judge in the state election, called Carlos Prudencio, with the help of his brother, an entrepreneur in the IT area. In 2000, all municipalities received about 350,000 ballots.
Açúcar faz tanto mal quanto álcool e cigarro
Açúcar faz tanto mal quanto álcool e cigarro, diz artigo médico na “Nature” (*)
(*) Nature é uma das mais antigas e conceituadas revistas científicas do mundo. Sua primeira edição é de 4 de novembro de1869. Entre as inúmeras descobertas científicas publicadas na Nature estão a dos raios X, da estrutura em dupla hélice do ADN e o buraco na camada de ozônio.
Consumo de alimentos doces triplicou no mundo nos últimos 50 anos. Ingestão excessiva está ligada a diabetes, câncer e doenças cardíacas.
O consumo de açúcar é tão prejudicial quanto o de álcool e cigarro, segundo artigo publicado, na semana passada, por médicos, na revista científica “Nature”. Isso porque a ingestão excessiva de sacarose e frutose, que triplicou no mundo nos últimos 50 anos, está ligada ao surgimento de doenças crônicas como diabetes, câncer e problemas cardíacos.
Em setembro do ano passado, a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) declarou que, pela primeira vez na História, as doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis representam um ônus maior para a saúde pública mundial do que as doenças infecciosas. Esses males já são responsáveis pela morte de 35 milhões de pessoas por ano, sendo 80% em países pobres ou em desenvolvimento, onde refrigerantes são muitas vezes mais baratos do que água potável ou leite.
Em geral, o álcool e o cigarro são regulados pelos governos como forma de proteger a saúde da população, mas não há controle sobre a alimentação. Segundo os autores do artigo, Drs. Robert Lustig, Laura Schmidt e Claire Brindis, a regulação das autoridades deveria incluir o aumento de impostos sobre produtos industrializados acrescidos de açúcar (como refrigerantes, sucos, achocolatados e cereais), a limitação de vendas no horário escolar e em ambientes de trabalho e a imposição de limites de idade para a compra. Mas essas regras são mais complicadas, de acordo com os pesquisadores, pois os alimentos são considerados bens essenciais, ao contrário do álcool e do tabaco.
Atualmente, existem, no planeta, 30% mais indivíduos obesos do que desnutridos, de acordo com os médicos. E a dieta ocidental, com muitos alimentos processados, tem contribuído para essas crescentes taxas. Apenas 20% dos obesos têm um metabolismo e uma vida normais – os demais sofrem com problemas como hipertensão, diabetes, apneia do sono, gordura no fígado e disfunções ortopédicas ou articulares.
As autoridades de saúde costumam considerar o açúcar como “calorias vazias”, mas evidências científicas mostram que sacarose e frutose em excesso podem desengatilhar processos tóxicos no fígado ou reações capazes de causar uma série de doenças crônicas.
Segundo os autores do artigo, na “Nature”, EUA e Europa ainda veem a gordura e o sal como os grandes vilões da alimentação, mas a atenção deve começar a se voltar para os produtos com adição de açúcar (moléculas de frutose acrescida em comidas processadas). Em outubro do ano passado, a Dinamarca optou por taxar alimentos ricos em gordura saturada, apesar de a maioria dos médicos não acreditar mais que essa substância seja a principal culpada pela obesidade. Agora, o país considera tributar os doces. Outras nações europeias e o Canadá tentam colocar impostos sobre alimentos adoçados. E os EUA já consideram taxar o refrigerante – um cidadão americano consome em média 216 litros por ano, dos quais 58% contêm açúcar. Outro limite possível seria proibir comerciais sobre produtos com adição de açúcar, destacaram os autores.
Sugar does as much harm as alcohol and tobacco
Sugar does as much harm as alcohol and tobacco, said medical article in "Nature" (*)
(*) Nature is one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific journals. Your first issue is November 4 de1869. Among the many scientific discoveries are published in the Nature of X-rays of the double helix structure of DNA and the hole in the ozone layer.
Consumption of sweet foods in the world has tripled in the last 50 years.Excessive intake is linked to diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
Sugar consumption is as harmful as alcohol and cigarettes, according to an article published last week by doctors in the journal "Nature." This is because excessive intake of sucrose and fructose, which has tripled in the world in the last 50 years, is linked to the emergence of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart problems.
In September last year, the United Nations (UN) said that for the first time in history, the chronic non-communicable diseases represent a greater burden to public health worldwide infectious diseases. These evils are already responsible for killing 35 million people per year, and 80% in poor or developing countries, where soft drinks are often cheaper than drinking water or milk.
In general, alcohol and cigarettes are regulated by governments as a way to protect the health of the population, but no control over the power. According to the authors of the article, Dr. Robert Lustig, Laura Schmidt and Claire Brindis, the regulatory authorities should include raising taxes on industrialized products added sugar (like soft drinks, juices, chocolate and cereals), the limitation of time in sales school and work environments and the imposition of age limits for purchase. But they are more complicated according to the researchers because the food is considered essential property, unlike alcohol and tobacco.
Currently, there are, on the planet, 30% more obese than malnourished, according to doctors. And the Western diet, with lots of processed foods, have contributed to these rising rates. Only 20% of obese people have a metabolism and a normal life - the others suffer from problems such as hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, fatty liver and orthopedic disorders or joint.
Health authorities usually consider sugar as "empty calories", but scientific evidence shows that too much fructose and sucrose can desengatilhar processes in the liver or toxic reactions can cause a number of chronic diseases.
According to the authors of the article in "Nature", the U.S. and Europe still see the fat and salt as the great villains of food, but attention should begin to turn to products with added sugar (fructose molecules increased in processed foods .) In October last year, Denmark has chosen to tax foods high in saturated fat, although most doctors no longer believe that this substance is the main culprit for obesity. Now, the country considers taxing candy. Other European nations and Canada trying to put taxes on sweetened foods. And the U.S. now consider taxing soda - a U.S. citizen consumes an average of 216 liters per year, of which 58% contain sugar. Another possible limit would prohibit trade in products containing added sugar, the authors write.
(*) Nature is one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific journals. Your first issue is November 4 de1869. Among the many scientific discoveries are published in the Nature of X-rays of the double helix structure of DNA and the hole in the ozone layer.
Consumption of sweet foods in the world has tripled in the last 50 years.Excessive intake is linked to diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
Sugar consumption is as harmful as alcohol and cigarettes, according to an article published last week by doctors in the journal "Nature." This is because excessive intake of sucrose and fructose, which has tripled in the world in the last 50 years, is linked to the emergence of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart problems.
In September last year, the United Nations (UN) said that for the first time in history, the chronic non-communicable diseases represent a greater burden to public health worldwide infectious diseases. These evils are already responsible for killing 35 million people per year, and 80% in poor or developing countries, where soft drinks are often cheaper than drinking water or milk.
In general, alcohol and cigarettes are regulated by governments as a way to protect the health of the population, but no control over the power. According to the authors of the article, Dr. Robert Lustig, Laura Schmidt and Claire Brindis, the regulatory authorities should include raising taxes on industrialized products added sugar (like soft drinks, juices, chocolate and cereals), the limitation of time in sales school and work environments and the imposition of age limits for purchase. But they are more complicated according to the researchers because the food is considered essential property, unlike alcohol and tobacco.
Currently, there are, on the planet, 30% more obese than malnourished, according to doctors. And the Western diet, with lots of processed foods, have contributed to these rising rates. Only 20% of obese people have a metabolism and a normal life - the others suffer from problems such as hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, fatty liver and orthopedic disorders or joint.
Health authorities usually consider sugar as "empty calories", but scientific evidence shows that too much fructose and sucrose can desengatilhar processes in the liver or toxic reactions can cause a number of chronic diseases.
According to the authors of the article in "Nature", the U.S. and Europe still see the fat and salt as the great villains of food, but attention should begin to turn to products with added sugar (fructose molecules increased in processed foods .) In October last year, Denmark has chosen to tax foods high in saturated fat, although most doctors no longer believe that this substance is the main culprit for obesity. Now, the country considers taxing candy. Other European nations and Canada trying to put taxes on sweetened foods. And the U.S. now consider taxing soda - a U.S. citizen consumes an average of 216 liters per year, of which 58% contain sugar. Another possible limit would prohibit trade in products containing added sugar, the authors write.
quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012
Film analysis Inventions of Hugo Cabret
A film that could be considered PIONEER 3D interface, Inventions of Hugo Cabret tells a story not so surprising but condicente with the tender.
The film delivers what it promises, making chaise a new experience.
Who has not watched a movie in 3D, will travel along with the movie is really cool the way it is presented to us in some parts of the film we do not realize that we are IN the movie, acuriosity that I had never seen before, is the way you see the mist, smoke, snow, among other things, unlike a movie that has explosions to realize that 3D is there, inventions of Hugo Cabret did not need it.
Yes I recommend this movie for those who really want to know what is a true 3D! for those who watched the latest Harry Potter and thought it had amazing effects, then you can not miss the magic of the movie in 3D!
The film delivers what it promises, making chaise a new experience.
Who has not watched a movie in 3D, will travel along with the movie is really cool the way it is presented to us in some parts of the film we do not realize that we are IN the movie, acuriosity that I had never seen before, is the way you see the mist, smoke, snow, among other things, unlike a movie that has explosions to realize that 3D is there, inventions of Hugo Cabret did not need it.
Yes I recommend this movie for those who really want to know what is a true 3D! for those who watched the latest Harry Potter and thought it had amazing effects, then you can not miss the magic of the movie in 3D!
Análise do filme As invenções de Hugo cabret
Um filme que poderia ser considerado PIONEIRO na interface 3D, As invenções de Hugo cabret conta uma história não tão surpreendente mas condicente com a proposta escolhida.
O filme cumpre o que promete, fazendo com que sege uma nova experiência.
Quem ainda não assistiu um filme em 3D , vai viajar junto com o filme, é muito legal a forma que é nos apresentado, em algumas partes do filme nós nem percebemos que estamos DENTRO do filme , uma curiosidade que eu nunca havia visto antes, é a forma em que você vê as névoas, fumaças, neve, entre outras coisas, ao contrário de um filme que tem explosões para perceber que o 3D está ali, As invenções de Hugo cabret não precisou disso.
Recomendo sim este filme, para quem quer realmente saber o que é um verdadeiro 3D !!! para quem assistiu o último Harry Potter e achou que tinha efeitos surpreendentes, então você não pode perder , a magia do filme no 3D!
segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012
Como fazer pipoca ( How to make popcorn)
A qualidade do video não esta muito boa, mas quebra o galho!
The video quality is not very good, but breaks the twig!
The video quality is not very good, but breaks the twig!
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